How to Deal With Uncertainty and Have Peace of Mind When Starting a Blog


When starting a new blog, you might feel as if there’s no way to know what direction it’ll take. Will it be successful? Will people consistently visit it? How will you make money from it? Even with hours of planning, writing and testing, your blog may not turn out the way you planned. This is especially true when starting a blog on your own behalf or as part of a small team. You need to have peace of mind when starting your blog otherwise, you could end up spending all your time looking for ways to improve things rather than actually doing them.


Determine the objective of your blog first

How will your blog help people? What are you trying to achieve with your blog? Blogging is all about expressing yourself, your thoughts, ideas, and what you like or don’t like about life. Your blog’s purpose is the first step to having success with your blog. If you don’t know what your blog’s purpose is, you’ll never know if it has the potential to be successful or not.


Set a budget and stick to it

Blogging is a relatively low-cost form of marketing. While you won’t be making a ton of money at first, you can expect a return on your investment in the long run. To have a successful blog, you need to set a budget and stick to it. There’s no point in spending a lot of money on marketing which won’t bring you any results. Your blog is just as important, if not more, than any other marketing efforts you might choose to invest in.


Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback

Asking for feedback is like a form of therapy. You never know what you’ll receive and yet, in some ways, you receive more useful information from your blog readers than from anyone else. This might be why you get questions from your blog readers on a daily basis; you don’t know how to respond to everything that comes into your head! There are so many wonderful ways to get feedback on your blog, and yet, you need to be patient and persistent enough to receive it all. When you’re not getting feedback from your readers, you’re actually becoming less productive. You need to get your ideas onto paper, or onto other media, so you can receive constructive feedback.


Take on a collaborator or two

Blogging is a team effort. When you’re starting out, you need to be willing to pitch in where you can. A good way to do that is to find a friend or a colleague who you can ask for help. Having a collaboration partner is great because then you won’t be so afraid to ask questions or take advice. Having a second set of eyes on your blog is especially helpful when you’re just getting started. A good way to go about this is to find a friend or colleague who can help you out with the technical side of your blog. You can also find a colleague who you trust with your emotional or creative side. This way, you won’t be afraid to ask for advice, or to share your thoughts and feelings, with someone else.


Be flexible and learn from your mistakes

Hate learning new things? Well, you’re in luck, because learning how to bloggers or any field of business for that matter works. You need to be willing to change your strategy or approach to achieve success. The way you do that is by learning from your mistakes. Mistakes will happen. It’s part of the process. You might spend half the time writing and testing your ideas and then creating visuals and content only to discover that your audience doesn’t want to see that. You might not be ready to take that leap of faith yet. There will be times when you feel as if you’re walking in circles. You’ll know when you’re close because you’ll start to feel as if you’re spinning aimlessly. If you feel like this, just remember: not everything that feels wrong or that you want to do is a step forward.



Blogging is a great way to share your ideas, experience, and knowledge with the world. It can be a profitable way to make money, as well as help you gain followers, expand your horizons, and even allow you to promote your products and services. However, starting a blog is a very difficult and time-consuming process. It takes lots of planning, research, and, most importantly, determination. If you can stick to the basics and have some perseverance, then the reward is worth it. If you’re still unsure about how to start your blog, or you just need a little push in the right direction, these tips will help you get started.
